Note: The language selector on the menu, based on Google translate, automatically translates the entire website, including the Know Your Human Rights course into several languages. Some of the translations are better than others.
Our Objectives
To promote human rights throughout the world, as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and subsequent United Nations conventions and declarations, to bring about a more peaceful and harmonious relationship between people and communities
To educate children about human rights so that they fully understand the value and dignity of the individual human being and the full and true meaning of respect for the individual
To provide education that empowers, enhances and activates individuals and communities to implement their human rights
To campaign for universal human rights education in all countries of the world as urged by the authors and signatories of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
To implement education in human rights at all levels of society to empower the victim with knowledge and educate the bully towards understanding
To bring about, through human rights education, a more cohesive and gentle society
To provide an educational foundation in human rights so that individuals might progress through research and scholarship to become leaders in advocating better practice in the field of human rights.
Duncan, Lord McNair – Peaceful Planet Human Rights Education
duncan@peacefulplanet.org – www.peacefulplanet.org
Not for profit company Regn. No. 10861364